Tuesday, June 14, 2022

In defense of the Lousiest Generation - Millennials

Whats up, internet?

Not much?


You know what keeps getting to me? Everyone shitting on millennials.

I know, I know, but hear me out. Millennials aren't actually shitty, we just don't give a shit about society's rules.

We played by the rules. Really, we did! We grew up hearing how we could be anything that we wanted to be, and we imagined some pretty kick-ass things. Then we went and worked our asses off, studied our way towards our dreams, got our degrees, and graduated into the worst economic recession since the great depression. So cut us some slack if we stopped playing the game of life by the rules, and took a damn break for some avocado toast.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard all about how my generation is just a bunch of entitled whiny losers who live in their parents basement and have no ambition to change. But I can't help but disagree with all of that.

For starters, some of us are allowed to live in our parent's garage, or even in our childhood bedrooms! Who wouldn't want to be so broke from student loan debt that you were out of other options? We wouldn't know because we are so far under water that we may as well start using the dangly light bulb thing on the front of the angler fish as a night light... Just kidding, there is totally a Snoopy nightlight in our childhood bedrooom. We know this because we live there.

But seriously, we aren't any more entitled to the things we want and deserve than any of the generations that came before us, we just aren't going to wait for someone else to give us the authority to go after it. We innately know that we have value as individuals and groups, and we don't need permission. We are effectively skipping the step where we feel guilty for being assertive and we are just going for it. I mean, we're already broke a.f. and living with our parents, what else do we have to lose?